Saturday, April 14, 2012

Time series cross section of total horizontal wind speed in a 2 m diameter dust devil from the Mojave Desert in August 2004. The dust devil is moving toward the left, and the time axis that serves as a proxy for the horizontal axis is scaled to be consistent with the height axis. Note that the peak wind speedoccurs slightly outside the visible core (where there is a peak of combined radial and tangential wind speeds) and at about 4 m height in the front wall of the vortex. Note also that that high wind speeds extend almost to the ground in the back wall. After Metzger et al. [2004a]. (Balme and Greeley: DUST DEVILS ON EARTH AND MARS)
Polar plot of spectrophotometric indicators for Mimas as function of the illuminated longitude interval (in azimuth) and solar phase angle (in range), intensity of the water ice band depths at 1.5, 2.0 lm and ratio I/F (3.54 lm)/I/F (1.82 lm). (Saturn's icy satellites investigated by Cassini-VIMS II. Results at the end of nominal mission)