Thursday, May 10, 2012

Geological map of the Moon

This is an often cited example of planetary art: The USGS Geologic Atlas of the Moon. (Scott DH, McCauley JF, West MN 1977)
Patrick Caulfield - Pottery (=>craters  [ancient greek])--- USGS - Lunar craters

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Slope gradient vegetated volcano

Slope map of HRSC-DTM mosaic superimposed on nadir mosaic (same orbits as Fig. 2). Slope inclinations of sector 5 contrasts to sectors 1 –4. The latter rises initially at steep slopes and flattens with progressive altitude. The lava plain to the north and west appears flat, and becomes rougher towards the south and the east. Numbers 1–5 refer to defined sectors. (Vertical and lateral collapse of Tharsis Tholus, Mars (2011) Platz, T.; Münn, S.; Walter, T. R.; [et al.] Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 305, 3-4)